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[适合人群] 美国在读生 初三生 初一生

1. Students must use evidence in their answers学生在答案中要使用证据
In the past, students would select answers from multiple choices to demonstrate their understanding of the text. Now, students will be asked to support their answer with evidence and to site specific passages.在以前的考试中,学生只需从多个选项中选择答案来支持他们对文本的理解。现在,学生会被要求使用证据或者引用特定的段落来支持他们的答案。
  2. Vocabulary will be more practical词汇更加实用
The old SAT vocabulary wasn’t particularly useful in day-to-day life (except to impress your friends). New vocabulary will focus on words students will likely encounter in college and the workplace.老SAT考试的词汇在日常生活中不是特别有用(除了让你的朋友对你的词汇感到钦佩)。新SAT的词汇是学生在大学和工作时很可能会碰到的单词。
  3. Math section will cover fewer topics 数学将减少科目
The old math section had only a few questions for each topic (algebra, geometry, etc.). The new math section will focus on fewer math topics that students must know more in depth.老SAT的数学对于每个数学科目(代数,集合等)都会设计几个问题,新SAT的数学会关注较少的科目,但要求学生对这些科目得掌握的更深。
  4. Calculators will be banned from portions of the math section计算器会从数学考试的某些部分被取消
The new no-calculator portion of the test is designed to assess students’ understanding of the mathematical concepts, rather than their ability to “plug and chug.”取消计算器的新的考试部分,是用来评估学生对于数学概念的理解的,而不是评估他们计算能力。
  5. Widely-read founding documents and speeches will be included广为传颂的建国纲领文章和演讲稿也会被加入
The old test asked questions about passages few students had seen before. The new test will include a passage drawn from documents such as the Declaration of Independence, the Gettysburg Address and Martin Luther King Jr’s “I Have a Dream” speech. 旧的SAT考试考察的文章几乎是学生们以前从没有读过的文章,新考试中考察的文章会包含一篇被广泛所知的文章,例如独立宣言、葛底斯堡演讲或是马丁●路德●金的《我有一个梦想》 。
  6. Students will not be penalized for incorrect answers学生不会因为答错而扣分
Students used to get a 1/4 point deduction for incorrect answers but no points deducted for skipped answers. New “rights-only” scoring will not penalize students for incorrect answers. Test-takers are thus encouraged to answer every question.过去学生会因为错一个题而被扣掉该题的1 /4分,但是不答题却不扣分。新的评分规则不会因为学生错题扣分了,因此考生会被鼓励回答每一个题。
  7. Students can choose whether or not to write an essay学生可以选择是否写作文
Here’s the big one: the essay used to be required. Now it’s optional.这是一个非常大的改变:作文以前是要求必须写的,但现在是可选项。
  8. Smaller scores总分减少
The old test was out of 2400. The new test will be out of 1600.老SAT考试的总分是2400,新的考试变为了1600.
9. Digital SATs will be available SAT机考实现
  The SAT used to be available in paper only. Beginning in 2016, the new exam will be offered both in print and digitally.SAT考试过去只能用纸考,但从2016年开始,新SAT考试既可以选择纸考,也可以上机考。



